Have you read this book? My friend Carolyn from work told me about this book back in May. I had never heard of it, and thought that it sounded very interesting. She told me that it was about a guy who lives in Philly who wanted to know what it would be like to drop everything and follow Jesus, and that is what he did. At this point I was almost completely fed up with Christianity, almost willing to give up on it altogether.
I have to say that this book changed my life. I've never really had a life changing experience before. When I read this book, I realized that it really is possible to live and follow Jesus, and that it's not at all about going to church every Sunday. It's about going out into the world and really caring for people. Shane Claiborne tells his experiences of growing up with in the Bible Belt and going to Eastern University in Philadelphia, which eventually leads him to work with Mother Teresa, care for Iraqi natives over in Iraq, and start a community in Kensington, which is one of the most poverty stricken areas of North Philly called the simple way (www.thesimpleway.org). I've done a very poor job of caring for and helping people in the past. Last week I got the opportunity to play music for homeless people in the city of Wilmington at a homeless shelter. It was pretty much a worship service, which was led by people from various churches around the area. I've always loved homeless people. I love being in Philly and talking to them on the streets. I've met some of the nicest people on the streets of Philly. I also have a few friends who are homeless by choice because they are fed up with capitalism, but that is a different story.
My friend Carolyn who graduated the University of Delaware last spring is working at a homeless shelter in Colorado. She does not make much money and gets to experience poverty every day. I think a lot us forget about the daily struggle that some people go through. You can check out her blog here:
Anyway, I recommend this book to everyone. And remember:
Jesus was homeless.
I just realized I know your friend Carolyn. Jeff, Brad, and I went to hear someone speak in Philly last summer. We talked a lot about urban ministry.
ahh cool, yeah i knew that jeff and brad know her. funny thing is we worked together last year and one day i just started talking about where i went to church growing up and she said she knew people from faith pres
I was so excited to hear from you and read a little bit of your blog...sorry I have been crazy busy/sick so I havent had much time in front of a computer outside of work.
God knew what your heart needed, and I was just a tool to help Him. But I cannot tell you that I could not be more excited for yo and where your life is going....you have the bug to help, serve and love for Christ...and I have a feeling you're going to great things, that lead you to see people and their situations in a new light and in a way that just makes you want to love them.
I'll email you back and write more later, but I am so happy that you have a new sense of service and love for people.
rock on raleigh
Shane is a dear friend of mine. I met him in college and worked along side him when the simple way started. We haven't seen each other in a few years but I am so proud of him for writing this book. It tells a story that needs to be told. He is a special person that most Christian should get to know in person or through this book.
I met him one time when i was supposed to go to the electro-music festival in philly. Matt and I ended up getting lost around kensington and I remembered that's where shane lived so we stole some wireless internet signal and looked him up on matt's computer, and found out we were about 2 miles from the simple way so we thought 'hey he could be home let's go check it out'
We knocked on his door and he answered. We talked a little and he gave us a glass of water, he was expecting company who did not know how to get there so he was out looking for them and trying to talk to us at the same time. So it wasn't the best time to visit. He showed a tree that he and a few neighbors planted. it was right in the middle of the sidewalk. He told me to pray for his tree, that it would make it.
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